The best erotic massage in the ears
4 February 2022
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15 February 2022Erotic massage as a treatment for erectile dysfunction
What is erectile dysfunction and why does it occur?
Erectile dysfunction is a dysfunction that implies the inability, repeated over time, to achieve or maintain penile erection. Erectile dysfunction exists if the erection is not firm enough for satisfactory intercourse. On some occasions, men with erectile dysfunction manage to have erections but they are very brief.
The impossibility of having a satisfactory intimate life is a situation that can become frustrating and can lead to insecurity when having sexual relations. These feelings will also be the psychological factors that make recovery from erectile dysfunction more difficult. That is why it is important to treat the nerves, fear and insecurity in a man so that it does not condition him and physical treatment can be successful.
If you have a partner, it is advisable that erectile dysfunction be treated with full trust and understanding so that the person who suffers from it can feel good and their self-esteem is not harmed. In cases where the issue is hidden or tried to be ignored, it can lead to depression and relationship problems.
If the person with erectile dysfunction is single, he will be able to treat himself both physically and psychologically at his own pace and it will be good to have good communication skills with future sexual partners. A technique that can be very useful if you are nervous before a sexual relationship is to exchange erotic massages with the other person, this will lead to sexual arousal and build trust between both.

The most well-known factors that increase the risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction.
The most common that refers to habits is the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
Other factors are related to health. As are the diseases that affect several organs, such as the kidney or the liver.
High blood sugar, diabetes and cholesterol, any pathology in the heart and circulatory system or hypertension.
These diseases that influence the functioning of the prostate and the bladder are clear risk factors for suffering from erectile dysfunction.
We must consider the possibility that erectile dysfunction is not caused by a pathology but by being a side effect of some medication. This is the case of antidepressants, anxiolytics and stomach protectors.
Age is also a factor to consider in erectile dysfunction. As a general rule, erectile dysfunction begins to appear after 40 years, in 5% of cases, and up to 65 years, in 25% of cases. It is considered normal that from the age of 65 the functioning of the penis begins to deteriorate due to the decrease in blood flow that is responsible for maintaining the erection. However, this deterioration of the physical response does not have to prevent sexual intercourse and can be helped by erotic massage techniques.
In the psychological field, what can affect the most is excess stress. But also the rush, the pressure when making decisions or the insecurities that lead to anxiety and low self-esteem.
If, in addition, the man has already suffered from impotence, probably self-demand and concern are factors added to those mentioned above. With which it will be very difficult to have a good attitude in the next sexual relationship and can cause frustration or even want to avoid intimate situations.
Why is erotic massage a very effective treatment?
The best way to prevent erectile dysfunction is to maintain good health and have sex often. And if the man already suffers from episodes of erectile dysfunction, the first thing he will have to try is to achieve good physical and mental health.
One of the traditional techniques to treat erectile dysfunction and even its prevention is erotic massage. With this massage the body is worked in a harmonic and complete way. Our masseuses manage to balance physical and psychological factors, eliminate the component of nervous stress, tissue tension and facilitate relationships at very deep levels of connection.
Erotic massage, in addition to relaxing the entire body, which is already highly beneficial for treating erectile dysfunction, also focuses on the specific muscular work of the genital area.

These techniques include pressure and massage of a series of muscles that are on top of the penis forming circles around it. Our masseuses combine this technique with massages on the testicles, at the base and the glans of the male sexual organ.
These techniques improve blood circulation, erections and allow better control of ejaculation because the tension that may exist in the muscles and fascia of the pelvic area, especially the penis, could interrupt the blood flow necessary for have an erection.
The combination of these erotic massage techniques and acupressure help improve blood supply to the penis and improve the tone of the male pelvic muscles. In addition, alfalfa sprouts in combination with massage are also very beneficial because they strengthen the immune system and lead to a general toning of the nervous system.
You can receive this treatment at our erotic massage center in Barcelona, Shiva Massage. In addition, if you have a partner, it is also advisable that you also receive erotic massages from them at the same time to generate trust and intimacy. Call us so we can help you with any questions and to book an appointment.